About me

My photo

Hello, I'm Yaroslav.

I work as a Full Stack JavaScript developer.
I like coding very much.
This is both my job and my hobby.
I like to learn.
Every day I learn something new, I study online courses, read books and useful websites, and improve my skills.
"No man is born wise or learned."
A day lived without new knowledge is a lost day!
I maintain the website "Simple Tips", the group "React and Full Stack JS developers" on Facebook and Telegram-canal "Full Stack JavaScript developer" and own page — Yaroslav Web-Master .
I write articles on my blog, translate articles and dream of writing a complete guide to the MERN stack.
I participated in the program # 100DaysOfCode.

Name Details
Basics HTML, CSS, JS, ES6+, jQuery, AJAX
General Development Skills Git, gitHub, HTTP(S) protocol, request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS), Bash
React React Patterns, React Hooks
Package Managers npm, yarn
Task Runners Gulp, Webpack
Styling SASS/CSS, Less
CSS Frameworks Bootstrap, Materialize, Material UI, Material Design Lite, Semantic UI
CSS Architecture BEM, CSS Modules
Name Details
CSS in JS Styled Components, Aphrodite
State Management Component State/Context API/Hooks
Redux Redux Thunk
Type Checkers PropTypes
Routing React-Router
API Clients axios
GraphQL urql
Utility Libraries Lodash, Moment, classnames
Static Site Generator Gatsby

My some functional skills:

I like the Node.js development. I pay special attention to the MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodaJS - (MERN stack).

I try to share my knowledge with other developers and for this I keep my blog and write and translate articles. I am well acquainted with react templates, with the latest tutorials of JS development. I always try to follow functional and simple approaches in programming and I try to do low-load applications.

I have experience working with PHP language - WP and MySQL. I created my own themes on WP. I have experience creating simple Java interfaces. I am familiar with the Python programming language. In recent years, I was captured by the development of React. I want to create my own course and write a book about the complete development stack on a java script.

Sow & Download Resume

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React site with slider

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. Project using functional components and slider

Card React Resume
React Resume

This project uses a ready-made free template from styleshout.com. Here I used the simplest styles from the finished template.

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React Lhander

This is a simple site like a landing page. All data is loaded dynamically.This site has pop-up for video.

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BMI - Calculator

Simple React application to calculate body mass index. Ability to enter data in the English and metric system of measures.

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React site with slider

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. React-table with the choice of the number of elements to be loaded, filtering and searching.

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React recipe

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. This application has only stateless functional components and react-hooks. Here I used css-modules.

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By clicking on the picture you can read more about React in my blog. A simple rect-d3 application that displays data as charts. Exact data - cursor over.

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BMI - Calculator

Contact Manager allows you to add, delete and view contacts.Items to Sort Alphabetically. Fields name, email, telephone.The application is very light and easy to use.

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React BookFinder

This react-application uses Google API to get a list of books on request.The search for the desired book begins immediately after the introduction of the first letters.

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React — Material-UI — Mlab

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. In this project, I used the styles from Material-UI and the MongoDB database from MLab.

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React — Firebase — Survey

React-app simple poll with saving data in Firebase.The application allows you to save survey data and easily change the questions themselves of this application.

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React - Redux

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. A simple application that clearly demonstrates the principles of Redux and React.

React - ToDo Image
React - ToDo

This is just an application of cases written on React. It is possible to highlight accomplished tasks. In this application used react smart component.

Card image React Tasks
React — Router

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. I made this project as a study guide for detailed study of the React Router.

Card image React-survey
React — BFinder — FC

This book search application is written on functional components using React-hooks. The request to the API is sent only after pressing the button.

React - TV-Search

By clicking on the picture you can read more about this in my blog. This react application searches for movies. It is easy to use and uses requests for each new letter.


photo site test flags

Test - "What country is this flag?"

Photo from site about Towers

Test - "Построй свою "бошню знаний"

site S wrong rectangle

Area improper convex quadrilateral with right angle

Count Combinations without repeating

Count Combinations without repeating

Time to Deadline

Time to Deadline

Photo from site about Towers

Сalculation of people's communications.

Test with clicks on pictures

Test with clicks on pictures



New Zealand

Random Quote Machine

Random Quote Machine

Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro Clock

JavaScript Calculator

JavaScript Calculator

Wikipedia Viewer

Wikipedia Viewer

Twitchtv JSON API

Twitchtv JSON API

Tic Tac Toe Game

Tic Tac Toe Game

Simon Game

Simon Game

Random Quote Machine

Random Quote Machine

LandingPage(for portfolio)


Opaque text on a transparent background

Text on a transparent b-d

site S wrong rectangle

Ring toggle menu

Logo Node JS

Простые советы

Простые советы



Английский язык

Английский язык



Вопросы психологии

Вопросы психологии

От сердца к сердцу

От сердца к сердцу



Бесплатные медицинские консультации

Бесплатные медицинские консультации

Logo StileKit & Zurb Fundation